
What is ringworm?
Ringworm, also known as tinea corporis, is a fungal infection of the skin. (Fungal infections of the head/hair has a different name, and a different treatment.) It usually shows up as one or more irregular patches of scaly skin with a raised red ring and clear center. They are usually 1-2 inches, but may be smaller or larger, and grow if left untreated.

Sometimes if a steroid has been used on it first, the ringworm can act differently. It can become harder to see – tinea incognito. Rarely it can develop into an infection that goes into the hair follicles, causing a deeper infection that needs to be treated differently.

How does my doctor know it’s ringworm?
For the most part, your doctor can diagnose ringworm just by looking at it. Sometimes the history of how it developed is also needed. If there is still confusion about the actual cause of the rash, a scraping of the edge treated with a chemical and looked at under a microscope. A culture can also be done, but it can take several days to weeks to get an answer.

How do you treat ringworm?
There are many over the counter creams available for ringworm, including Lotrimin, Tinactin, and Lamisil. They are often labeled for fungus, athlete’s foot, or ringworm, but can all be used for ringworm. Do not use a combination antifungal and steroid as it may not be as strong, and there is a mild risk in using a steroid on ringworm. When applying the cream, be sure to cover all the obviously affected areas as well as ½ – 1 inch further.

Since fungus is slow growing it may also take a while to treat. Apply the cream once or twice a day (as directed on the container) for at least two weeks, and about one week after the rash appears to be gone. If the ringworm is not improving after two weeks, call your pediatrician.

When can my child go back to school or sports?
A child with ringworm doesn’t have to stay home from school. You might want to put a bandaid over any areas not already covered by clothes for a few days, to be safe. After three days, children may resume close contact sports like wrestling.

How did my child get ringworm?
Fungus can come from an infected human or animal, from the dirt, or from an object that has been infected (eg. towels, combs).

Can ringworm be prevented?
There are a few ways to help prevent ringworm. If your pet has ringworm, get them treated promptly. Make sure sports mats are regularly cleaned and disinfected.

Bottom line.
Ringworm happens. Don’t always blame the cat. Treat it with cream for a week after it’s disappeared.





Ringworm at cdc.gov.

Skin conditions and sports participation.

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